Category Archives: Life



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divided loyalties in WoW?… and Jade Empire and papers!

So, two weeks ago I worked my ass off to get a key made in World of Warcraft so that I could go with a group of people from an allied guild to a 10-man dungeon known as Karazhan. I was invited because apparently the server was lacking in 70 rogues at the time (who the people in the guild like… ). Anyway, after many hours working on it, we finally went for the first time last week (Friday and Sat nights). And it was fun!

Buning Crusade instances attunement

But to get there, I basically had to outrun some of my own guildies who were also working on getting keyed and solo/stealth some of the steps instead of waiting for them. Now a week later, some of them are still working on it and more are catching up to where they are. In a few more weeks, there should be enough people in my guild to go. Then I’ll have an interesting decision to make. Do I ditch the allied guild for my own guild? How permanent was my invite to the group, anyway? How will players from both guilds take my seemingly loose loyalties? Or is it a non-issue given that I was available and helped our allies and have always said that I prefer in-guild raids? We’ll see…

The past couple of days, I’ve also been playing a lot of Jade Empire. I’ll write a review soon. But I’ve also been writing papers and such for the end of quarter and now need to work on a book chapter with Lisa!

Lots of things….

1. I hit level 70 last week and got a flying mount. I used to play flight sims once in a while because I like the feeling of flying… now I can do it in WoW! I’ve also been making huge amounts of gold… well, huge amounts for me who never could afford an epic mount… This week, I’ve completed all the quests I could without grouping with others. Now I wait around for more guildies to catch up so I can party with them and get those quests done. πŸ˜›

2. Apparently, there are a bunch of irate students in the class I teach (a technology class for the masters in teaching program). Problem is that no one has told the instructors (me and another) about it directly. Now that we’ve heard about it, we really want to accomodate and address some of the issues. I mean, we’re probably the most flexible instructors these guys will ever have, willing to meet their demands and try to work with other instructors to make sure tech is integrated into the rest of the program. Each quarter, this varies a bit since some profs are more open to collaboration than others… So anyway, yeah, we can change. Too bad there’s only two more weeks in the quarter. Sheesh. One of the issues we’ve heard is that what we’re teaching them has no relation to the classroom. This is true, except that we’re just introducing them to some tools this quarter with the idea that in the rest of the program they’ll start using these tools for practical applications. We have to start somewhere… Last year it was pretty clear that students needed more time familiarizing themselves with the tools before jumping into a project. So we changed the course this year. Every year the new cohort complains but they have no reference to how it used to be… Still, the class is improving every year from their feedback. But a huge problem is that the course is taught by PhD students, so every 2 or 3 years, whoever is teaching it has to start over relearning the same stuff about what and how to teach. Ah well.

3. I’ll be going down to Portland this weekend with a couple of guildies to visit some more down there. Fun!

4. I played three games that I hadn’t before: Hey, that’s my fish!, Savannah Cafe, and Taj Mahal. The first two are really quick games and pretty fun in a light sort of way. Not much table talk in the first one but more in the second. They are both zany games with animal themes. πŸ™‚ Taj Mahal was quite good, but I want to play it more before considering buying it. The level of complexity I think is about the same as Puerto Rico… nice and meaty.

Here’s some cool things I’ve been doing/will be doing…

1. I joined Terra Nova’s World of Warcraft guild and within a week of joining, we had a really engaging conversation on the guild forums about real-world buying of virtual goods.

2. I will not be going to the Game Developer’s Conference (GDC) (March, San Francisco) this year… πŸ™ but that’s because I’m saving money for the Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) meeting in Tokyo late September! Furthermore, I’ll be meeting Lisa Galarneau in a few days to see about jointly submitting something.

3. I’m also submitting something to Games Learning Society (GLS) held in mid-July by the folks at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. That should be totally cool, and I’ll get a chance to put faces to all the nice folks I’ve been meeting online thru Terra Nova.

4. My guild is having a convention in Las Vegas late April… hoo boy!

5. I met with my committee yesterday and will be taking general exams early next quarter (and reading stuff this quarter). It sounds like my idea of doing ethnographic work with a bunch of guild members who all work for the same company to compare their work life with their game life is a great one. Sweeeeet.


Haven’t been posting much lately… aaaanndd the World of Warcraft expansion, Burning Crusade, came out today… which means I won’t be posting for a while. πŸ™‚

Happy New Year and all that…

Lots of stuff has happened in the last two or three weeks. We had a party, we went to Andrew and Yo’s a few times, we played some boardgames and Name in the Hat, some friends were in town, we watch fireworks from a good vantage point near Obie and Michelle’s, I’m considering switching this blog over to Blogger if google adds pages maybe, watched A Bit of Fry and Laurie and been playing Lego Star Wars II with Robin. And now school is here again and my free time is nil again.

Here’s to the new year! I’ll likely be attending a few conferences this year, possibly presenting, and will become a PhD candidate officially by the end of this school year. πŸ™‚

Winter break!

My last Fall quarter related meeting was this morning. Helped a couple of TEP student-teachers out with video stuff and WebQuests at Cupcake Royale/Cafe Verite… What’s funny is that since Denise, another TA/instructor, was there, too, and we were all working on laptops (I think this is the reason), a photographer for the local neighborhood paper (Ballard News Tribune) came by and asked if she could take photos of us working on our computers… Apparently for a story about blogging and Internet cafes. πŸ™‚

Anyway! It’s officially winter break for me now, and I can finally catch up on some non-class/non-teaching stuff. First thing I did was work on my paper and submit it to a journal. We’ll see…

Now I just have to submit presentation proposals to a bunch of conferences…

And… get T-shirts for HW ordered. Look good?

Harsh Winter T-shirt idea

Anyone who knows where I can get shirts like that made, let me know, pls!

Whew! almost lost my cell phone.. just in time!

Last night I was surfing the web (mostly for a new cell phone plan since ours is due to expire in Dec. I’ve been thinking of getting a plan that features more web browsing or Java apps than our current one (and of course new phones to go with). This is mostly due to the fact that I’ve switched everything over to gmail, google calendar, google everything… and I saw a week or so ago that gmail now has a mobile phone app one could download so long as they have a supported phone and carrier…

Anyway…. been looking at Verizon and the Motorola Q and the Motorola Krzr. Only problem is that Verizon isn’t supported by google’s gmail app! But I would still be able to just browse to the simplified version thru the web… So, if I wanted the app to work, I think I would stick with our current Cingular plan but add data features and get a new phone… not sure which phone to get though. And, of course, not even sure I would use the features THAT much since I’ll be getting Opera for my DS Lite in Jan and will be able to get my google stuff anywhere there’s wifi.

But back to why I posted… ironically, maybe subconsciously, I lost my phone on the bus this morning. Realized it while I was walking through Red Square and then ran across campus to a later bus stop for the 44 and caught up with it, and, lo an behold, the driver gave me my phone after playing 20 questions. Whew! I still have 2 months on this sucker!

Google buys YouTube

Here I was trying to figure out whether to publish videos to Google or to YouTube and then recommend something to the TEP class… Well, now it looks like I won’t have to decide. πŸ™‚

My sis Frances got married!

Just got back from a trip down to CA. My sister Frances got married on Sat! Grats Frances!

Anyway, I’ll post some photos later. πŸ˜›