Happy New Year and all that…

Lots of stuff has happened in the last two or three weeks. We had a party, we went to Andrew and Yo’s a few times, we played some boardgames and Name in the Hat, some friends were in town, we watch fireworks from a good vantage point near Obie and Michelle’s, I’m considering switching this blog over to Blogger if google adds pages maybe, watched A Bit of Fry and Laurie and been playing Lego Star Wars II with Robin. And now school is here again and my free time is nil again.

Here’s to the new year! I’ll likely be attending a few conferences this year, possibly presenting, and will become a PhD candidate officially by the end of this school year. 🙂

2 thoughts on “Happy New Year and all that…”

  1. Hey Mark! If you’re at any conferences up this way let me know and let’s get together! Good luck on advance to candidacy!

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