Category Archives: Life

Should I feel bad that…

my blog post about Lee-hom being in Lust, Caution is getting more comments than any other post? ๐Ÿ™‚

The possessive investment of whiteness

I’m reading George Lipsitz’s book The possessive investment of whiteness right now.ย  Basically, institutionalized public policy and individual prejudices create a system or societal norm that privileges whites in the U.S. Here’s a quote:

The belief among young whites that racist things happened in the distant past and that it is unfair to hold contemporary whites accountable for them illuminates broader currents in our culture. These young people associate black grievances solely with slavery, and they express irritation at what they perceive as efforts to make them feel guilty or unduly privileged because of things that they did not do personally. They feel innocent individually and cannot conceive of a collective responsibility for collective wrongs. The claim that one’s own family did not own any slaves is intended to end the discussion. It is almost never followed by proposals to find the white families whose ancestors did own slaves, to track them down and make them pay reparations. The disavowal of responsibility for slavery never acknowledges how the existence of slavery and the exploitation of black labor after emancipation created opportunities which penalized blacks and benefited whites who did not own slaves. Rather, it seems to hold that, because not all white people owned slaves, no white people can be held accountable or inconvenienced by the legacy of slavery. This argument does not address the long histories and contemporary realities of segregation, racialized social policies, urban renewal, or the revived racism of contemporary neoconservatism. On the contrary, as Christopher Fisher recognized in his remarks, articulation of one’s own imagined discomfort with being “picked on” and “blamed” for slavery is the real injury, one that in his mind gave him good reason to bomb homes, deface synagogues, and plot to kill black people.

Unfortunately for our society, these young whites accurately reflect the logic of the language of liberal individualism and its ideological predispositions in discussions of race. In their apparent ignorance of the disciplined, systemic, and collective group activity that has structured white identities in U.S. history, they reflect the dominant views in their society… (21)

Group interests are not monolithic, and aggregate figures can obscure serious differences within racial groups. All whites do not benefit from the possessive investment in whiteness in precisely the same ways; the experiences of members of minority groups are not interchangeable. But the possessive investment in whiteness always affects individual and collective life chances and opportunities. Even in cases where minority groups secure political and economic power through collective mobilization, the terms and conditions of their collectivity and the logic of group solidarity are always influenced and intensified by the absolute value of whiteness in U.S. politics, economics, and culture. (22)

I have to think about this more.

Comments for pages are back!

I hadn’t realized they had gone away until just now while I was editing the page about my WoW paper…ย  Stupid upgrading templates breaking comments…

Sam & Max Informer round

Some friends of mine from high school and I (and now some more friends from college, work, etc.) play a game called The Informer. Basically, it’s like the Dictionary game except that instead of writing fake definitions for words we write fake continuations of prose. We call it The Informer because it was originally played using the book by that same title by Liam O’Flaherty featuring the craziest non-sequiter, detective noir crap ever. Anyway, I ran a round of The Informer recently and used the Sam & Max games as the text. You can see the round and results on the Sam & Max Informer round page I created.

Incidentally, the compiled volume of Steve Purcell’s Sam & Max comic books is finally in reprint, called Surfin’ the Highway. The last time I read any of them was back in high school, about 18 years ago! I think my brother might still have some original issues lying around. He should sell em! Our comic book obsession finally worth something!

Deus Ex and Deus Ex: Invisible War

So this past week I’ve been playing Deus Ex and Deus Ex: Invisible War. I don’t know if it was my subconscious memory (Deus Ex 3‘s teaser trailer was recently released back in November or December) triggering a newfound interest in the games or just coincidence that made me think about playing them again.

Deus Ex

Deus Ex start screen

Deus Ex: Invisible War

Deus Ex: Invisible War start screen

Anyway, I wanted to remember why I liked the first game so much and why I was disappointed with the second. Upon playing them again, I fully remembered both these things but I was also struck by how complex the story was in both of the games. The problem with the second game is not limited to the general dumbing down of the RPG elements that made the first game so great (see [A] below). I think I saw hints of a deep, deep story, just as in the first, that they only superficially were able to convey, making references to the first game without explaining what those references meant. They didn’t go deep enough to elaborate the complexity of how everything is connected and how the previous generation’s actions profoundly affect the situations the current generation found itself in. (Many characters in the second game are either descended from characters in the first or are in fact the same people from the first game.)

Continue reading Deus Ex and Deus Ex: Invisible War

Quit World of Warcraft today

After collecting auction data over the weekend, putting pretty much everything I have in my banker mules on auction yesterday, then collecting the money and selling anything that didn’t get bid on, and finally depositing all my gold into the guild bank, I quit WoW today.ย  I almost teared up yesterday and today.ย  Auctioning everything and then collecting my mail took hours.ย  Yeesh!

But the tears (almost) were from melancholy as I’ve spent a good 3 years of my life with WoW and have made many friends (who I hope to see in future games).ย  And of course, my dissertation is on WoW players as they learn teamwork in raids.

I sent some farewell messages to non-guildies (as I plan on keeping in touch with the guild through our online forums) and sat next to Thrall in Nagrand while logging out.

Ironically, for some reason all my characters had a present in their mail for the collector’s edition pet.ย  I don’t know if all players who bought the collector’s edition were likewise affected, but, after 3 years, Thoguht was finally able to get a panda.ย  Damn you, Blizzard!ย  ๐Ÿ˜›


I’m trying to backblog some stuff today and this week.ย  ๐Ÿ™‚

The holiday season has basically been a whirlwind of board, card, PC, and video gaming in Portland, Seattle, and the Bay Area.ย  Oh, and gooood food, some hectic family get togethers, and friends and family going on amazing international journeys.

To procrastinate writing about it all, I’m updating WordPress and my theme today, too.ย  ๐Ÿ˜›

Rickshaw Run 08

My brother Max is participating in a crazy ass race across India in 3-wheeled motorized rickshaws (tuk tuks). He left on the 27th and won’t be back to San Francisco until the 23rd or so. Catch all the craziness on the blog run by his team and the other team from SF. He’s already had some mysterious poo event. Joy!

Rickshaw Run 08

Wang LeeHom

Wang Lee Hom – Beside The Plum Blossoms MV

Here’s an example of what Leehom’s trying to promote… a chinked-out style of music. ๐Ÿ™‚

Trip to Portland, trip to CA, and other stuff!

So, I haven’t posted to this blog in about a month. Wow. The main reason being that after upgrading my video card and getting a bigger hard drive, I reinstalled a ton of old games that have had user made mods released over the past couple of years or whatever and started playing them. First it was Vampire Bloodlines and now it’s Oblivion again. I’ll write about them in separate posts, including which mods I’ve been trying. On top of those two, I’ve also played Call of Duty 4, Half-Life 2, and HL2 Episode 1 (thanks Aaron!).

Last weekend people in my guild who live in the Pacific Northwest got together down in Portland, so I’ve also played a bunch of boardgames and even got a chance to play Portal during our downtime. ๐Ÿ˜› (Check out the Portal end credits song on YouTube!)

Oh, two more things.

My paper on WoW finally got accepted to Games and Culture (a SAGE publication run by Doug Thomas) pending minor revisions (which I’ll get to in January)! Only took a year… :/

This Friday, Robin and I head down to the Bay Area to hang out with my family plus our uncle’s family (him, his wife, their 3 sons, one of the son’s wife, their two kids, and an au pair). You might know one of my cousins (one of the 3 sons) named Leehom Wang, who apparently is like the biggest pop star in Taiwan and was the 4th billed in Ang Lee’s latest movie Lust, Caution. Unfortunately, he’s just coming to San Francisco for a concert on the 23rd and then flying back to Asia the next day. I was hoping to get to know him a bit better. It’ll be cool to hang out with the other two cousins and rest of them, though!ย  Leo and Stacy are totally cool people, and Leekai is like the smartest person in the world.