Category Archives: Humorous

Should I feel bad that…

my blog post about Lee-hom being in Lust, Caution is getting more comments than any other post? 🙂

You Suck at Photoshop

A series of Photoshop tutorials with a dark twist as we hear the artist, Donnie, dealing with his unfaithful wife, a failing marriage, and a World of Warcraft buddy.

This is Drawn!’s blog post with all of the videos so far.

You Suck at Photoshop

Art for Geeks

Found on slashdot:

Paul The Wine Guy’s slideshow on Flickr

Stephen Colbert for Pres!

I go away for a week and look what happens!
Well…. sorta.

Posting And You…

Posting And You…

I’m going through my bookmarks today.  Some of these might be old news… but this is funny. Gamers with opinions guide done as an old school PSA.

When Gamers Have Babies: Level 1 Human

TechEBlog » When Gamers Have Babies: Level 1 Human


baby as level 1 human

Via my friend Jacob.

The Ultimate D&D Gaming Cycle Flowchart

The Ultimate D&D Gaming Cycle Flowchart

From the Great Geek Manual (via guildie Ignacio Solis).

Awesomely funny.

Tetris humor

Tetris humor

Found this on Intelligent Artifice by (he found it on Japan Probe), and OMG, I am such a nerd.  The sketch goes on much longer than I thought possible… It’s funny in that innocent, sometimes hilarious, weird as hell, Japanese way.

TechEBlog » Techno Privacy Scarf

TechEBlog » Techno Privacy Scarf

Reminds me of those books about crazy Japanese inventions.

Hallmark Scientists Identify 3 New Human Emotions | The Onion – America’s Finest News Source

Hallmark Scientists Identify 3 New Human Emotions | The Onion – America’s Finest News Source

One of the best Onion articles I’ve ever read…  not that I read a whole lot of them past the headline, but still….