Category Archives: Games Research

Want to know what I’m doing this summer?

Intelligence community seeks to go virtual

I’ll be in San Jose from July 13 to August 9.
While not working for DNI, I hope to hang out with LIFE people from Stanford and, of course, play games with friends who live in the bay area. πŸ™‚

Chat transcripts of the Convergence Conference

I’m having technical difficulties uploading the videos I recorded during the Convergence Conference on Virtual Worlds that occurred in World of Warcraft earlier this month. Those videos will be uploaded shortly. Meanwhile here’s the chat transcripts from the three sessions.

Yes, I started a Rickroll… πŸ™‚ Slightly disorganized, since the panelists and attendees were all using guild chat, but I didn’t mind the chaos. Read about the session and panelists at

  • 20080510conference.txt – Chat from Convergence Conference, Day 2, Sat May 10. Panel session. Questions included learning in VWs.

A little less disorganized. Chat backchannel with Terror Novas about making it more orderly, but I felt uncomfortable with the idea of enforcing control. Maybe it’s a generational thing? I thought the stream of info was fine and that the panelist answers could just be in a separate channel, rather than forcing non-panelists into silence as seemed to be suggested. Read about the session and panelists at

A massive info dump where lots of attendees discussed answers to the day’s questions. Afterwards there was an in-game wedding and then a raid on Sentinel Hill. For the Horde! Read about the session at

Also, check out my screenshots!

Convergence Conference in World of Warcraft, May 9-11, 2008

messing with RSS feeds as WordPress widgets…

As you can see above…

I’m joining Terry Schenold and others in the Critical Gaming Project at UW, and part of what we’re doing is setting up/maintaining a website with a blog and a forum, so I’m seeing how forum posts could be showcased on a blog by using mine as a testbed.Β  πŸ™‚

How to Build Team Morale & Cohesion by Goofing Off

How to Build Team Morale & Cohesion by Goofing Off

From the Accidental Scientist. Relates to trust building through camaraderie I touch on in my WoW paper…

Videos of the science conference in WoW forthcoming…

but right now it occupies about 200GB of my hard drive and I ran out of disk space to actually compress the files! So yesterday, after dropping SG off at the airport, we went to Fry’s so I could get a new external hard drive. $100 for 500GB! I remember when I paid $550 for 340MB or so (early 90s)… (and of course even crazier about 10 years before that when my dad bought our first computer…)

So anyway, videos of the World of Warcraft conference that was held in WoW will be compressed soon and uploaded to a server somewhere… πŸ™‚

Second Life vs. WoW, as panel session… Fight!

Today, tomorrow, and Sunday, there is a conference on virtual worlds research being held in World of Warcraft (noon Eastern Time, Earthen Ring, US, Horde side, Science guild). If you can’t join, you can watch the live feed each day at World2Worlds.

I’ll write-up full comments after this weekend when Gray and Song Gong (house guests who need someone to play boardgames with!) leave.

I have to say, though, that the panelists and moderators and that whole format worked a lot more in WoW than what I’ve seen similarly attempted in Second Life, but part of it was that I knew exactly how to manipulate WoW’s interface so that I could easily follow the chat. I also was able to /chatlog it all and Frapsed it all as a half-size movie to my HD. Now I have to compress the videos for storage (my HD is FULL!).

Aaron, Gray, and Song Gong all in town

for a week of total geekdom.

We’re going to try to play at least these games:

  • Long Live the King
  • Game of Thrones
  • Arkham Horror
  • Grand Theft Auto IV
  • Dungeon Twister
  • Pandemic

And we’re going to the Seattle Art Museum‘s Roman exhibit (with a slew of Reedies–“slew?”Β  gaggle?Β  grouping? an anarchy of Reedies maybe?).

I’ll post game write-ups and photos if I have time.

This comes at a time when I’m trying to write a game review on The Witcher and morality in games.Β  I’m also going to submit something for a pre-conference on games ethnography happening as part of AoIR 9 in Copenhagen in October.Β  Due in one week!Β  But if I don’t get in, there’s also a doc consortium happening there and the deadline to submit for that is in 3 weeks.Β  πŸ™‚

Malone on Curiosity

Malone on Curiosity

Nice write-up on academic Thomas Malone from Only a Game

Things to do in the next 8 weeks…

  1. expertise in World of Warcraft poster and paper – I’m presenting a poster at this year’s International Conference for the Learning Sciences as part of a bigger poster session on expertise. Basically, trying to argue that experts who get into the end-game of WoW have to relearn and adapt their expertise for the new endeavor of raiding. Must read more distributed cognition and adaptive expertise literature… After ICLS, which is in The Netherlands late June, I go to Madison, Wisconsin again for Games Learning Society and hopefully present the paper that the poster is based on. er… will be based on. the supposed paper that the supposed poster will be based on… Anyway, I posted the abstract for “Leet Noobs” a while back, so you can read that at least. :p
  2. game review of either The Witcher or the Ace Attorney series of games – Michele Knobel mailed me via Facebook if I would be interested in submitting a game review to eLearning! She and co-conspirator Colin Lankshear are bigwigs in the new literacies line of research. Check out a book they edited called A New Literacies Sampler (the full text is available for download free!) featuring a chapter by my former advisor Jen Stone! I’m either going to do a review of The Witcher and how morally ambiguous most of the situations in the game are, which is great and what I think games need more, and contrast that with other RPGs and link it to Gee’s projected identities idea from What Video Games Have to Teach Us… OR I could write about the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney line of games (which now includes Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney) and link it to literacy and narrative. My plan is to write an outline for each of these and compare the two… maybe write and submit both eventually. The reason why this’ll take a while, I think, is that I want to link it to academic literature.. not just a game review, in other words. Aaron Chia-Yuan Hung sent me one of his that he did on Bully, and I was floored by how he linked Rockstar’s game with academic stuff on bullying and school cliques. So now I have to step it up, too…
  3. some papers for a class I’m taking called Poetics of Play in Digital Role-Playing Games – This includes a summary/presentation on a book outside of the readings. Since most of the readings cover games theory from a textual or player-game perspective, I’ll either highlight TL Taylor’s Play Between Worlds or one of the case studies in Gaming Lives in the 21st Century.
  4. and uh.. my dissertation proposal
  5. oh and I need to finish up that engagement paper finally.

Journal of Virtual Worlds Research

An issue on education cfp late this year!

Journal of Virtual Worlds Research