All posts by markdangerchen

Mark Chen is an independent researcher of gaming culture and spare-time game designer. He is the author of Leet Noobs: The Life and Death of an Expert Player Group in World of Warcraft. Currently, he is looking into experimental and artistic games to promote exploration of moral dilemmas and human nature, researching DIY subcultures of Board Game Geek users, and generally investigating esoteric gaming practices. Mark also holds appointments at Pepperdine University, University of Washington, and University of Ontario Institute of Technology, teaching a variety of online and offline courses on game studies, game design, and games for learning. He earned a PhD in Learning Sciences/Educational Technology from the University of Washington and a BA in Studio Art from Reed College.

86 35: manga report

86 35: manga report

A brief overview of some good manga out there.  I haven’t read any of them but now plan to!

Researchers Discover Massive Asshole In Blogosphere

Researchers Discover Massive Asshole In Blogosphere

from The Onion – America’s Finest News Source

Things to do in the next 8 weeks…

  1. expertise in World of Warcraft poster and paper – I’m presenting a poster at this year’s International Conference for the Learning Sciences as part of a bigger poster session on expertise. Basically, trying to argue that experts who get into the end-game of WoW have to relearn and adapt their expertise for the new endeavor of raiding. Must read more distributed cognition and adaptive expertise literature… After ICLS, which is in The Netherlands late June, I go to Madison, Wisconsin again for Games Learning Society and hopefully present the paper that the poster is based on. er… will be based on. the supposed paper that the supposed poster will be based on… Anyway, I posted the abstract for “Leet Noobs” a while back, so you can read that at least. :p
  2. game review of either The Witcher or the Ace Attorney series of games – Michele Knobel mailed me via Facebook if I would be interested in submitting a game review to eLearning! She and co-conspirator Colin Lankshear are bigwigs in the new literacies line of research. Check out a book they edited called A New Literacies Sampler (the full text is available for download free!) featuring a chapter by my former advisor Jen Stone! I’m either going to do a review of The Witcher and how morally ambiguous most of the situations in the game are, which is great and what I think games need more, and contrast that with other RPGs and link it to Gee’s projected identities idea from What Video Games Have to Teach Us… OR I could write about the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney line of games (which now includes Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney) and link it to literacy and narrative. My plan is to write an outline for each of these and compare the two… maybe write and submit both eventually. The reason why this’ll take a while, I think, is that I want to link it to academic literature.. not just a game review, in other words. Aaron Chia-Yuan Hung sent me one of his that he did on Bully, and I was floored by how he linked Rockstar’s game with academic stuff on bullying and school cliques. So now I have to step it up, too…
  3. some papers for a class I’m taking called Poetics of Play in Digital Role-Playing Games – This includes a summary/presentation on a book outside of the readings. Since most of the readings cover games theory from a textual or player-game perspective, I’ll either highlight TL Taylor’s Play Between Worlds or one of the case studies in Gaming Lives in the 21st Century.
  4. and uh.. my dissertation proposal
  5. oh and I need to finish up that engagement paper finally.

Charlton Heston’s Gun Taken From His Cold, Dead Hands

Charlton Heston’s Gun Taken From His Cold, Dead Hands

from The Onion – America’s Finest News Source

Charlton Heston

Ah, so they were just saving it for a headline…

Seven Habits of Highly Connected People by Stephen Downes

Seven Habits of Highly Connected People

by Stephen Downes, Guest Contributor on Lisa Neal’s blog

The points below.  Read the full entry on Lisa’s blog for descriptions.

1. Be Reactive

2. Go With The Flow

3. Connection Comes First

4. Share


6. Cooperate

7. Be Yourself

Journal of Virtual Worlds Research

An issue on education cfp late this year!

Journal of Virtual Worlds Research

Charlton Heston Dies | The Onion

Charlton Heston Dies

via The Onion

They didn’t do the obvious joke: “Now we can finally pry that rifle from his cold, dead hands.”

Charlton Heston Dies

Charlton Heston, National Rifle Association spokesman and star of The Omega Man, The Ten Commandments, and Planet Of The Apes, died Saturday at 84. What do you think?

Old ManRodrigo Bennet,
Brick Layer
“No, I’m pretty sure you’re thinking of Mickey Rooney. Charlton Heston has been dead for at least five years.”

Young WomanTracy McManus,
Piano Teacher
“It must have been comforting for him to pass away peacefully in his home instead of in a MADHOUSE! A MADHOUSE!!!”

Asian ManSteve DeVoto,
Network Administrator
“I send my thoughts and prayers to the Heston family. I’d also like to know when and where the funeral service is going to be held so I can send an ammunition wreath.”


Lots o stuff!

A list:

  • I’m taking a cool class this quarter called the Poetics of Play in Digital Role-Playing Games!  It’s part of the Critical Gaming Project run by Terry Schenold a PhC in English.  I should prob ask him at some point how start a class; I’m not sure the college of ed would be the right venue for me.
  • My mom and bro came up during spring break (last week) and we went to Ocean Shores for about 4 days.  Small, small town.  Kinda not as wealthy/resorty as I thought it would be.  Plus, it’s like 97% white.  Heh.
  • Cherry blossoms are full-on right now.
  • It snowed a few days ago.  Nice.
  • I’m going to be in San Jose, CA for a month in the summer!  🙂

Captain Plughole

Holy moly, this is the cleverest use of web technology for art I’ve seen!  Scroll!

Captain Plughole

The Witcher

This past week I’ve been playing The Witcher, an RPG by CD Projekt Red using the Aurora Engine (the one Bioware used for Neverwinter Nights, Knights of the Old Republic, etc.). The Witcher is based off a series of short stories and novels by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski set in a wartorn grim fantasy world. Witchers are a clan of superhumans devoted to destroying monsters and evil. I had heard, however, that there was a lot of moral ambiguity in the game, which made me interested enough to download the demo. From what I saw in the demo, I was impressed enough to buy a copy.

The Witcher screenshot

Continue reading The Witcher