at Transformative Works and Cultures!
It’s an odd piece, but I’ll write about it later… right now I gotta go hang out with SG. 🙂
at Transformative Works and Cultures!
It’s an odd piece, but I’ll write about it later… right now I gotta go hang out with SG. 🙂
(via Sylvie)
Kutiman took unrelated YouTube videos and created really, really good music mashups. Check out ThruYOU!
This quarter I’m taking a class on hope in apocalyptic futures as portrayed in three media: film (Children of Men), text (The Road), and digital game (Fallout 2).
For my final project (it’s a light class), I decided to create a YouTube video showing off the humorous dialog a character with low intelligence has with various NPCs in Fallout 2. 🙂
It looks like Obama’s education policy will be a third term for President George W. Bush. This is not change I can believe in. (Ravitch)
Posted on the “Teachers & Parents for Real Education Reform” blog
(via Nate)
Was getting a little excessive I think…
Hmmm. Maybe I can create a page of my google reader feed and people can subscribe to it if they want…
Also, my glasses broke today. That kind of sucks. But I’ve got a pair of sunglasses that work in a pinch. Now, should I get $30 cheapies again or actually go to some brick-n-mortar glasses store and pay more for a pair that might last longer than 1.5 years?