All posts by markdangerchen

Mark Chen is an independent researcher of gaming culture and spare-time game designer. He is the author of Leet Noobs: The Life and Death of an Expert Player Group in World of Warcraft. Currently, he is looking into experimental and artistic games to promote exploration of moral dilemmas and human nature, researching DIY subcultures of Board Game Geek users, and generally investigating esoteric gaming practices. Mark also holds appointments at Pepperdine University, University of Washington, and University of Ontario Institute of Technology, teaching a variety of online and offline courses on game studies, game design, and games for learning. He earned a PhD in Learning Sciences/Educational Technology from the University of Washington and a BA in Studio Art from Reed College.

Social dimensions of expertise published!

at Transformative Works and Cultures!

It’s an odd piece, but I’ll write about it later…  right now I gotta go hang out with SG. 🙂

Thru You music mashups of YouTube videos

(via Sylvie)

Kutiman took unrelated YouTube videos and created really, really good music mashups. Check out ThruYOU!

Fallout 2 dialog for dumb characters

This quarter I’m taking a class on hope in apocalyptic futures as portrayed in three media: film (Children of Men), text (The Road), and digital game (Fallout 2).

For my final project (it’s a light class), I decided to create a YouTube video showing off the humorous dialog a character with low intelligence has with various NPCs in Fallout 2. 🙂

Diane Ravitch and Gary Orfield giving critiques of the “new” direction of the Department of Ed

It looks like Obama’s education policy will be a third term for President George W. Bush. This is not change I can believe in. (Ravitch)

Posted on the “Teachers & Parents for Real Education Reform” blog

(via Nate)

Decided to stop the daily digests, and my glasses broke!

Was getting a little excessive I think…
Hmmm. Maybe I can create a page of my google reader feed and people can subscribe to it if they want…

Also, my glasses broke today. That kind of sucks. But I’ve got a pair of sunglasses that work in a pinch. Now, should I get $30 cheapies again or actually go to some brick-n-mortar glasses store and pay more for a pair that might last longer than 1.5 years?

Mirror’s Edge in 2D!

Mirror’s Edge 2D

Follows the tradition of making Flash games out of cool FPS games, like Portal: The Flash Version.

Daily Google Reader Favs for 2009-02-24

googlereader (feed #2) 9:56pm Sita Sings the Blues to air in full on PBS
googlereader (feed #2) 9:57pm Sita Sings the Blues to air in full on PBS
googlereader (feed #2) 9:57pm Sita Sings the Blues to air in full on PBS
googlereader (feed #2) 12:30am Deconstructing Temperament
googlereader (feed #2) 7:33am Teaching Carnival 3.2
googlereader (feed #2) 8:18am Engine and Caboose, On the Same Track

Daily Google Reader Favs for 2009-02-23

googlereader (feed #2) 4:39am Space Debris image
googlereader (feed #2) 6:00am Sasha Obama Keeps Seeing Creepy Bush Twins While Riding Tricycle Through White House
googlereader (feed #2) 8:00am COLUMN: Hit Self-Destruct – ‘Obsidian – The Life of The Party?’
googlereader (feed #2) 10:39am The Majorly Mysterious Mima Mounds
googlereader (feed #2) 2:00pm F.lux Changes Your Screen Brightness by Time of Day [Downloads]
googlereader (feed #2) 5:59pm New Media Practices in India, Part 1: Introduction

Daily Google Reader Favs for 2009-02-22

googlereader (feed #2) 11:55pm Cabinet door’s squeals are eerily Chewbaccaesque
googlereader (feed #2) 5:53am Literacy 2.0–Educational Leadership March Issue
googlereader (feed #2) 10:19am Homesickness
googlereader (feed #2) 10:58am Funny spoof song about
googlereader (feed #2) 3:49pm Save Bundles of Cash by Buying Eyeglasses Online [How To]

Daily Google Reader Favs for 2009-02-21

googlereader (feed #2) 9:00am Top 10 Tools for Landing a Better Job [Lifehacker Top 10]