Category Archives: Games Research

Games Learning Society wrapping thoughts

One thing I noticed while at GLS was that a lot of folk seemed to be talking about similar things from different angles. Here’s a list:

  1. participatory culture and new media literacy (Henry Jenkins and Alice Robison)
  2. ludic bureaucracy (Thomas Malaby)
  3. gamer mindset (Jim Gee)

The common theme in all of these topics is that gamers and people in general are in a new age where the traditional ways of structuring and organizing things no longer applies. The gamer mindset focuses on exploration, transgression, pushing the system, trial and error, emergent phenomenon, etc. all of which is essentially a subset (I think) of living in a participatory culture. It’s not really a knowledge economy, but more of a social economy. Your positionality and network and the skill you have in plying that network will get you far in life. The old bureaucracy is being replaced by one that doesn’t attempt to control and order everything; instead it supports emergent actions and movements.

This of course has huge implications for how I teach the technology class to future teachers that Yen-Ling and I run… How do we prepare teachers so that they can prepare their students? It’s hard enough just trying to expose new teachers to the gamer mindset, Web 2.0, etc. How do we help them develop the skills necessary to help kids develop a critical view of the world they live and participate in?  In other words, I think our teacher ed program is working under the old model too much.  Kids and adults will need, if not already need, equitable access and sponsorship to new technologies.  Participation now depends more than ever on social skills and cultural capital and the skills involved with content creation and mediation.  Yet our schools and teachers are still emphasizing knowledge and facts rather than processes and usage of knowledge.

All the people I met at GLS

I met a ton of people for the first time at Games Learning Society. Here’s a brain dump of who I can remember (I’ll link to each of them soon… running out of steam right now… 🙁 ):

  • Rebecca Black
  • Samantha Blackmon
  • Ian Bogost
  • Ted Castranova (well, technically, we didn’t meet, but I saw him…)
  • Mia Consalvo
  • Ben DeVane (and wife Amanda)
  • Josh Diaz
  • Julian Dibbell
  • Elonka Dunin
  • Shree Durga
  • Debbie Fields
  • Justin Hall
  • Erica Halverson
  • Chris Holden (and wife Sarah)
  • Tori Horton
  • Aaron Hung
  • Dan Hunter
  • Shawna Kelly
  • Lane Lawley
  • Thomas Malaby
  • Dan Norton
  • Nathaniel Pope
  • Alice Robison
  • Lauren Silberman
  • Dave Simkins
  • Bert Snow
  • Doug Thomas
  • Bill Tomlinson
  • Mark Wagler
  • Dave White
  • Lee Wilson
  • Moses Wolfenstein
  • Suze Woolf
  • Eric Zimmerman
  • Renata
  • Matt
  • Dana and I think her boyfriend from Florida
  • Carole?
  • Tim?
  • a bunch of people at the LAN party whose names I’ve forgotten

And people I’ve previously met:

  • Lisa Galarneau
  • Jim Gee
  • Betty Hayes
  • Henry Jenkins
  • Liz Lawley
  • Brett Shelton
  • Kurt Squire
  • Constance Steinkuehler (big wit baby!)

And, of course, people I go to or went to school with:

  • Laurie McCarthy
  • Tom Satwitcz (now at U of Georgia)
  • Jen Stone (former adviser, now at U of Alaska Anchorage)

Mark in action

Games Learning Society 3.0 round-up

Richard Carey wrote a blog post about GLS and included links to other people blogging.

Here’s a summary of all the ones I could find off his list:

Also, check these out:

mark chen

GLS day 2, evening

After the conference was over, I met up with Moses to drop my stuff off at his place since he kindly offered an air mattress for me to crash on for the night. BTW, ladies, Moses is the man. Guys, you too should know; Moses is like the coolest man in the world.

Anyway, a bunch of folks went off to some party but Moses and I happened to meet up with a guy named Josh Diaz before Moses had to take off for said party. So, I ended up hanging out with Josh, walking around the capitol talking, and having dinner with him at The Old Fashioned.

Old Fashioned house burger

I forgot to take a photo of dinner, but here’s an image someone else took of the same menu item, The Old Fashioned House Burger. It was amazing. Perfectly cooked medium, with two thick crispy strips of bacon, smoked cheddar (good cheddar–but I’m a cheeseburger snob), and a medium cooked egg–not too runny, not too dry. The egg added a surprising complexity and binding flavor to the whole affair, making for possibly the best burger I’ve ever had. I’ve had egg on burger before, but previously it was greasy as all hell. This time it was fantastic.

Continue reading GLS day 2, evening

GLS day 2, late afternoon

Gaming Literacy

Ah crap.. my laptop is almost out of juice. I might have to go offline for a bit and transcribe hand-written notes… gasp.

[Edit:] Ok, I did indeed have to write stuff down by hand. What follows is my attempt at a transcription; sorry for the delay.

michael wagner

Immersion vs. Learning – Michael Wagner

Michael is from the dept. for interactive media and ed tech at the Donau-Universität Krems from overseas! 🙂 Awesome seeing someone from outside the U.S. involved in the dialog about literacy and games. Michael introduced the Game Based Learning Paradox: games are great for learning but that also means violence and aggression might be being learned, too. This is what I had to grapple with in my general exams, too.

Continue reading GLS day 2, late afternoon

GLS day 2, early afternoon

Narrative, Contingency, and Humor

Narrative Engagement: Games as Mnemonic Devices for Process Learning – Jay Laird and Ann McDonald

Jay and Ann are more practitioners rather than learning scientist theorists. They say that a mnemonic system can be used over and over to remember something and that players could use to remember and navigate a system. Things have to be accessible and relevant for them to be meaningful for players. I’m wondering how much of their concepts overlap with memes (Lankshear and Knobel) and unit operations (Bogost).

jay laird and ann mcdonald

Continue reading GLS day 2, early afternoon

GLS day 2, early morning

Henry Jenkins and Alice Robison presented a talk about identity play and participatory culture this morning. Check out their current project at

alice robison

The assumption that kids are digital natives is a false notion since lots of kids don’t have the cultural access and sponsorship needed for new media literacy, even some who have physical access to technology. So the idea of digital natives is problematic in that it hides inequalities among kids and it presupposed a generation gap between kids and adults. Here are three challenges:

Continue reading GLS day 2, early morning

GLS night 1, dinner and a party

Dinner at the Overture Center for the Arts was fun! I met Rebecca Black, Bill Tomlinson (whose EcoRaft project I posted about earlier), Dana and her friend from Florida but originally from France so he had a cool accent, and a couple of other people whose names I’ve forgotten already (again, though I think they were Greg and William, and one of them knows Beth Kolko pretty well…).


Continue reading GLS night 1, dinner and a party

GLS day 1, late afternoon

Blurring Game Boundaries

justin hall.jpg

Justin Hall on Passively Multiplayer Online Games where rewards and levels are gained for surfing websites that were valued. The passive part is rewards for just surfing, but there’s active stuff, too, where you can spend points that you passively accumulate on tools and mines, etc. “Internet is a battle between order and chaos. There’s people who want to help you find information and people who only want to distract you.” Also covered other cool web/game techs like Askville, Attent, and itty Bitty RPG. These are totally cool. I wonder if I can use them in the tech class I teach for the Teacher Education Program as a way to encourage participation in Web 2.0 stuff…

Continue reading GLS day 1, late afternoon

GLS day 1, lunch and early afternoon

This is a long ass post… 😛

Lunch went well. I met Shawna Kelly earlier and we met up for lunch and then met up with Tori Horton and Laurie, Tom, and Jen, and also some other people at a table we crashed. Photos!

lunch group1.jpg

lunch group2.jpg

Continue reading GLS day 1, lunch and early afternoon