All posts by markdangerchen

Mark Chen is an independent researcher of gaming culture and spare-time game designer. He is the author of Leet Noobs: The Life and Death of an Expert Player Group in World of Warcraft. Currently, he is looking into experimental and artistic games to promote exploration of moral dilemmas and human nature, researching DIY subcultures of Board Game Geek users, and generally investigating esoteric gaming practices. Mark also holds appointments at Pepperdine University, University of Washington, and University of Ontario Institute of Technology, teaching a variety of online and offline courses on game studies, game design, and games for learning. He earned a PhD in Learning Sciences/Educational Technology from the University of Washington and a BA in Studio Art from Reed College.

You know what suxorz?

UW has this policy for graduate students who hold a position during the school year and opt into the health insurance and other benefits to also cover the student during the summer after the school year. That sounds great.

But there’s a catch.

Dependents are also covered provided you pay a premium every month that is automatically deducted from your paycheck. This premium extends into the summer which is new to me, though when I look at the available material online it is relatively clear, if buried… We assumed that Robin would be covered during the summer just like me without doing anything. But now that I think about it, it makes sense that we’d have to pay for her coverage.

But for some reason dependents are dropped during the summer unless you pay the premium for the whole summer at the beginning of the summer. This is true even if you also hold a summer position and get a regular bi-weekly paycheck like the rest of the school year. Why they can’t auto deduct from your paycheck, I have no idea.

So, anyway, we did not know this though the GAIP benefits people claim they mailed a letter to us explaining these things back on July 6th. Furthermore, an email was sent to all grad students with appointments on May 18, but I can neither confirm nor deny that since it isn’t in my inbox, trash, or archives. The email (which I was told is also archived online) says something like:

1. You will continue to receive benefits over the summer since you got them during the school year.

2. Dependents are automatically covered also.

3. Oh, btw, you have to pay a premium for your dependents differently than the rest of the school year.

4. If you don’t then actually they aren’t automatically covered…

This basically translates to “dependents are automatically dropped unless you do something even though we start the letter off saying you needn’t do anything to continue to receive benefits.”

What’s most vexing about this is that Robin had a doctor’s appointment for July 5 (which I think she scheduled in June when she was covered, natch). Why would we deliberately opt out of coverage for her when she had a freakin appointment during the summer? The letter was supposedly sent after she had her appointment, too, so we wouldn’t have known at the time that we would have to pay the premium soon for her to be covered.

Of course, the deadline to pay the premium (July 31, afaik) was about two weeks before we received notice from the benefits folks that she was not covered for the appointments she had had. And, of course, she’s had follow-up appointments in the interim which we’ll receive the Explanation of Benefits for probably next month.

How is this acceptable??

So, today I get to craft an appeal letter. Do you think they’ll understand common sense when I tell them that it is obvious we had no idea we had to pay a premium at the beginning of the summer, as evidenced by the fact that we’re having doctor’s appointments and lab work done during the summer? My pessimistic side makes me think they’ll be bureaucratic and we’ll have to appeal the appeal.

Ian Bogost on The Colbert Report!

(via The Ludologist)

From a conversation with Isaac 3rd week in July

  1. are we blinded by our proximity to digital culture? this whole participation thing… are we just seeing a small pocket of resistance and social mobility of a larger society?
  2. Isaac mentioned that a Marxist take would be that the larger social structure is a certain way and there’ve always been sites of democratic mini-systems but the overall structure is the same. Neo-liberal capitalist society is like that; it’s a contradiction. In order to have structure it has to allow a certain degree of freedom.
  3. progressive education needs to include both process and content; it can’t treat them as divorced from each other. In terms of new literacy, people not only need to read and write new texts but they have to understand the texts and the political ideologies at work.

From a conversation with Dennis

  1. difference between empathy and sympathy… on a scale with apathy and antipathy?
  2. do these match up with Nel Noddings’ ethics of care as opposed to rational individually based motivations?
  3. people are motivated either out of fear or love… same thing?
  4. religious identities or any identities are assumed and latched onto by certain people who do not question their beliefs
  5. America should be more like The Simpsons in terms of forgiveness rather than persecution of those at fault
  6. “The first step is admitting we have a problem.” – Dennis

Chore Wars :: Earning Experience Points for Housework

Chore Wars :: Earning Experience Points for Housework

The previous post reminded me of this… 🙂

Chore Wars image

When Gamers Have Babies: Level 1 Human

TechEBlog » When Gamers Have Babies: Level 1 Human


baby as level 1 human

Via my friend Jacob.

bob loblaw Digital Media

bob loblaw Digital Media

Unfortunately, the real Bob Loblaw isn’t a lawyer like he is in Arrested Development… boo… I wonder if is taken…

Busterfuck (via Slog)


I ride these buses most days… and man is it a pain!

Read the story about this photo at Slog, the Stranger’s blog.

Not sure if they coined the term, but “busterfuck” is awesome.

Bike USA lives again!

Moving to my own web host let me resurrect the travel blog that my brother and I ran when we biked across the country way back in 2000!

Read all about Max and Mark’s cross-country bicycle trip!

blog migration

So, I finally moved my blog over to my hosted domain.  I mostly did this so I could install some cool widgets and other code into the page.  I got side-tracked by all the cool themes I could install and check out.  I think I like this one.

Also, I figured out how to use my bookmarks as my blogroll/links list, but in order to make it categorized, I had to arbitrarily tag some of them as “misc” which of course doesn’t help the collective social network at all.  Ah well…

Now that works, though, I’m going to have to start using it more.  😛

I think I will bookmark more permanent links there and share newsy stuff using the Google Reader widget.  Neat!

Up next, I need to install itty Bitty RPG.  🙂

Oh and with this blog move, I was able to resurrect the old Chang’s Mongolian Grill Posse posts though I was unable to retain who authored each one.  Now I have to fix my links so they all work…  bleh.

And, finally, know what’s crazy?  Within 3 hours of installing this WordPress blog, I had 75 spam comments awaiting moderation.  Wow.