Should I feel bad that…

my blog post about Lee-hom being in Lust, Caution is getting more comments than any other post? 🙂

2 thoughts on “Should I feel bad that…”

  1. I don’t think you should feel bad at all. You just have to accept the reality that millions more people (motivated by fandom) are searching for information about your totally cool cousin than about obscure, though interesting, gaming academia. You are not in any way taking credit for his coolness or basking in his celebrity. You are just proud of and intrigued by your cousin. Right?

  2. Lee hom is a famous person so it is common lot of people would left comments there. You should expect that earlier isn’t it? ^-^ Many people would surf around and saw that blog. As what Robin said “millions more people (motivated by fandom) are searching for information about your totally cool cousin than about obscure”. She’s true. Although I’m Lee Hom fans too (love his song) but I was just coincidence to browse thru here and only realize Lee Hom is your cousin (after reading your older post). So there’s nothing to feel bad about it! *smile* 🙂

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