Prob could use more on simulations and VWs…
Also, haven’t added everything, yet… After that’s done, I’ll have to cut a bunch of stuff since it seems like a lot to cover in 12 weeks. Much thanks to Alex Thayer… I grabbed a bunch of refs from his course that I was a guest lecturer in about 2 weeks ago. 🙂 Which reminds me; I still need to scour the web for other people’s syllabi and see if I can incorporate even more stuff that I may have missed.
Week 1: Why Games for Learning
Content vs. systems, computational thinking, projected identity, theory of fun
- Klopfer et al. Using tech of today in classroom of today.
- Resnick. Computer as paint brush.
- Squire. From content to context.
- Gee. WVGHtTUALaL. Chapter 3: Learning and identity.
- Koster. A theory of fun.
- Daniel Floyd. Video games and learning
- Chen. and
- Rules of play?
- Set up Guild Wars 2 account and guild.
- Set up Minecraft account and join server.
- Create a Steam account.
- Browse the Hot List on Board Game Geek. Read reviews.
- Introduce yourself and gaming history in the forums.
- Half the class writes reviews or synopses of readings and/or games. The other half responds.
- Think of a tabletop game idea that addresses an area of interest for you and write a one-paragraph pitch.
Week 2: Genres and Mechanics and Survey of Games and Learning
- Check out the ways to categorize games on Board Game Geek using Adv. Search
- Barab et al. Narratizing disciplines and disciplinizing narratives.
- CERG. Civic potential of video games.
- Duncan & Berland. Uncovering play through collaboration and computation in tabletop gaming.
- Richards et al. Games for a digital age
- Kirriermuir & McFarlane. Lit review of games and learning.
- MIT Ed Arcade. Moving learning games forward.
- Nolan & Weiss. Learning cyberspace.
- Meet up with someone else in Guild Wars 2 and get to level 10.
- Play some Minecraft.
- Explore Steam’s library.
- Half the class writes reviews or synopses of readings and/or games. The other half responds.
- Form into groups of 4 or 5 to work on one of the tabletop game ideas for the rest of the course. Scope out theme, genre, mechanics, number of players, details, etc. for a 2-page document.
Week 3: Game design process
- Costikyan & Davidson. Analog. Part 1: Designing tabletop games.
- Kobold guide to board game design.
- Kuittinen & Holopainen. Nature of game design.
- Rogers. Level up! esp. Level 4 (pp. 57-82).
- Tiltfactor. Pox.
- Work on tabletop game.
- Half the class writes reviews or synopses of readings and/or games. The other half responds.
- Play games. Try crafting in GW2.
Week 4: Game design process, cont.
- Aldrich. Using serious games and simulations.
- Crawford. On game design.
- Kultima. IDE cards.
- Schell. Deck of lenses.
- Work on tabletop game.
- Half the class writes reviews or synopses of readings and/or games. The other half responds.
- Play games. Try PvP in GW2. More Minecraft.
Week 5: Mods, theorycrafting, gamers
- Rock Paper Shotgun
- Killscreen
- Elitist Jerks
- Steam Workshop and Skyrim Nexus
- Half the class writes reviews or synopses of readings and/or games. The other half responds.
- Prototype tabletop game due. Publish prototypes to class site and do a write-up.
- Brainstorm a one-paragraph pitch for a game mod or digital game.
- GW2, Minecraft, or other games.
Week 6: UX, flow, and engagement
- Leone. Data entry, risk management, and tacos: Inside Halo 4’s playtest labs.
- Falstein. Flow in games.
- Chen et al. Modeling but *not* measuring engagement in games.
- Half the class writes reviews or synopses of readings and/or games. The other half responds.
- Playtest tabletop games. Provide feedback.
- Form teams to work on one of the mod or digital game ideas for rest of course.
Week 7: GLS
- Group notes for GLS.
- Playtest tabletop games and scope out work to finish them.
- Concretize vision for mod or digital game.
Week 8: Assessment, Gamification, and Connected Learning, Oh My!
- DML Hub Connected Learning movement and Mozilla’s Open Badges
- Deterding. GLS keynote.
- Nicholson. GLS presentation.
- Chen.
- Gee and worked examples.
- Chore Wars.
- Half the class writes reviews or synopses of readings and/or games. The other half responds.
- Finish up tabletop game.
- Work on game mod or digital game.
- Play stuff!
Week 9: Innovative Games and Learning Projects
- Steinkuehler & Duncan. Scientific habits of mind in VWs.
- Kim et al. Storytelling in new media.
- Quest 2 Learn. Q design pack.
- Gillispie. WoW in Schools.
- MinecraftEdu
- Valve. Teach with Portals and Steam for Schools.
- McGonigal’s TED Talk and games.
- Half the class writes reviews or synopses of readings and/or games. The other half responds.
- Prototype mod or digital game mockup due. Again, post files to class site and do a little write-up.
- Play stuff!
Week 10: Intro to Game Studies and New Games Journalism
- always_black. Bow nigger.
- Flood. Playing Assassin’s Creed 3 on the Pine Ridge Rez,
- Murray. The last word on ludology vs. narratology in game studies.
- Rodriguez. The playful and the serious.
- Simons. Narrative games and theory.
- Sutton-Smith. The ambiguity of play. Intro.
- Farmer & Morningstar. The lessons of Lucasfilm’s Habitat.
- Half the class writes reviews or synopses of readings and/or games. The other half responds.
- Playtest mods and digital games. Provide feedback.
Week 11: Gaming Culture and Research
- Chen. Leet noobs
- Boellstorff. Coming of age in Second Life.
- Boellstorff et al. Ethnography and virtual worlds.
- Work on mod or digital game.
- Play stuff!
Week 12: Outstanding Issues
- violence
- Cover. Gaming (Ad)diction: Discourse, Identity, Time and Play in the Production of the Gamer Addiction Myth.
- Videogames and the Future of Learning, Shaffer Squire Halverson and Gee
- John Seely Brown
- Post final games and mods. Play them. Provide feedback.
Looks fairly comprehensive, lots of great readings to accompany all the right topics. Maybe include a section in one of the weeks (Week 8 or maybe 10) on failed games and why (i.e., poor design, misperception of audience, flawed rollout/implementation, external factors [DRM rage, etc..])?