Our log is neither daily, weekly, nor monthly by design. It is a every-time-we-jack-in-and-actually-have-something-new-written log.
Max's mean streak
So I couldnt help it anymore. There is a type of American that isn't
found often in metropolitan areas. We'll call them RV guppies.
Sometimes it is a retired couple, sometimes a family of seven in an
enormous monstrosity called the Resident or the Land Whale. They drive
like they have Parkinson's and the last thing you want them to do is take
a hand off the steering wheel to wave at you. It's just a strange way to
travel-to bring your entire house with you. If you need a satellite dish
to travel and you never leave the vehicle at the vistapoints, what is the
point? Just rent the video!
oh yeah... |
When they see us they think we are crazy and say, "I could never do
anything like that." Well if you say that, you are probably right. [ed
note: Lisa, a cyclist we met, always replied with, "Well, have you tried
anything difficult in your life?"] Plus they often could lose a few
pounds, like 200 or so. If they lost weight they could probably save
money on mileage. Their skeletons must be saying "help me!"
There is a subspecies of RV guppies who we've met at the infamous Wall
Drug. I wanted to go up them, point, pause, and yell, "You ugly!"
Darwin obviously never studied middle America. Okay I'm done being
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