
Max and Mark's Egg Salad Adventure
Wheeling Away the Summer







The ever changing path. If you or someone you know would like to let us crash for a night or two, by all means, email us!

Portland to Yellowstone Yellowstone to Valentine, NE Valentine, NE to Chicago Chicago to Washington, D.C.
PDX to Yellowstone Yellowstone to Nebraska Nebraska to Chicago Chicago to D.C.

Alternate routes in green.

Major landmarks: Bike E in Corvallis, Bike Friday in Eugene, John Day Fossil Beds, Craters of the Moon, Grand Tetons, Yellowstone, Devil's Tower, Wind Cave, Mt. Rushmore on July 4th, Wall Drug, Cowboy Trail, Iowa City (Bindiya's house), Chicago, Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Columbus, Pittsburgh, D.C.


mailing locations: West Yellowstone, Iowa City, Chicago - details upon request