Our log is neither daily, weekly, nor monthly by design. It is a every-time-we-jack-in-and-actually-have-something-new-written log.
Pho found, trip over
Have we found Heaven? No, we've found pho. Tears of joy welled up in eye as
we approached "Vietnamese Asian Restaurant" in Omaha, Nebraska. Oh
sweet pho, how I love thee. We entered a pocket of Vietnam, complete with pink
plastic bathroom chairs, martial arts soap operas, bucket of chopsticks, and
flip flops. The only things missing were the humidity, wall fans, and the never
quite dry concrete floor. Can't have everything I guess. The food smacked us
with authenticity which made this whole quest worth it. Even the tricolored
bean jelly drink was right on. Who knew Nebraska would have this many
Vietnamese, Indonesian, and Chinese? There was even an Oriental Market next
door with Korean instant noodles. Hallelujeh, our week's diet has been
We're staying in Omaha.
Tomorrow we visit the Omaha Zoo. We hear it's better than Disneyland.
Saturday there is a bike convention in Council Bluffs, and then RAGBRAI starts.
Apparently it is a 15,000 person bike party through the entire state of Iowa. Then
to Chicago's Wizard World comic book convention! Parteeeeee!
nice penguin |
(Pho is Vietnamese rice noodle soup. If you haven’t had it, you should try it with beef tendon and tripe!)
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