Our log is neither daily, weekly, nor monthly by design. It is a every-time-we-jack-in-and-actually-have-something-new-written log.
June 16-25
We are in Jackson Hole, Wyoming now and time is definitely ticking. We
have the option to keep going today and rush through Yellowstone which we
hear is quite bike unfriendly, or stay with a family which would stress
our tight schedule.
Anyway, we met another NBG rider who left from Santa Cruz on June 4th.
Alex rode through Nevada and has been doing crazy 100 plus mile days and
nights. Man, compared to a bunch of other riders, we've been taking it
quite easy. We met a guy in Idaho Falls (the only tourer in all of Idaho)
who has been living on the road for a while and doesn't carry any money.
Also, check out http://www.cycleology.com/NBG
for other stories.
Especially read Stav's. He's totally crazy. Biking at night, pulling a
dog, eating only fast food, and suffering from serious headwinds. He's
the MAN - read: fool.
So Alex got his laptop stolen from this hostel here. bunch of savages
this town. Other than that Jackson has been pretty cool. I watched a
rodeo last night on the way to Albertson's. Everyone here oggles at my
recumbent. I pretty much laugh at their Ford F250's. We might watch Titan
AE tonight.
I almost took a spill yesterday in some muddy road construction. Saved
quick reflexes and dashing good looks. We've been plagued with flats in
the past few days. I actually shredded a rear tire too. Strong cross
winds and tailwinds were with us for a while in Idaho. I thought it was
great fun. I love extreme weather. Almost got sucked into the underbelly
of a semitruck and nearly road into a river, but hey, it's all fun and
games until I die, right?
So in summary, after staying at the extremely hospitible Jensen's
residence in Nampa we stayed in the Robb Hanson party house in Boise.
After some great Chinese food, he gave us a tour of Boise. We saw the
potato mack daddy's house on top of the hill. Then off to Bruneau Sand
Dunes via the hellish I-84. The dunes were cool, especially the
observatory program. It reminded me of the long Friday nights at the
Cornell Observatory.
The next day was really hot and we chanced a frontage road that ended
at a
ferry dock at the Snake River. That sucked, so we turned back and chanced
yet another frontage road (84 is not fun) which ended in gravel. After
this ten mile detour we decided to take 84. I felt super sleepy and
bloated after lunch (another college reminder) and we only ended up at
Glenn's Ferry. Just our luck there was one teepee still available! We are
Indian, we have teepee. (that's a quote from Cannibal the Musical, and is
not meant to be a racial slur) dang that was one nice teepee.
Then to Buhl. Bo thought it would thunderstorm but nothing happened.
His shoulders were all blistery and pussy from the sunburns. yay! Then
to Shoshone via Twin Falls and after a disappointing Wok and Grill
Mongolian BBQ. [Mark's note: the waterfalls sucked, too, because they divert the water in the summer months for agriculture; try mid Spring instead if you plan on seeing the falls.] More specifically, a bed and breakfast in Shoshone because
no motels were still in business. There was a guy living in a shack with
a motel sign in front of it. [Mark's note: the B and B we stayed at was also home to two foreign exchange students who were summer interning at a cheese factory; how someone in a foreign country finds a cheese factory in the middle of Idaho to work at, I have no idea.] We sure are living the good life. oh, this
was the day when I almost died crossing the Windy Bridge of Death and we
had to struggle across the Gusty Plains of Certain Peril.
Craters of the Moon. Cool beans. Caves. My flashlight died so I
explored by the light of my Sony Mavica. Once again it has saved my life.
A mouse ran across my arm during the night. There were big signs
throughout the campgrounds warning against feeding the rodents because
they carried a respiratory disease. The stars were worth the risk of early
pulmonary cancer though.
Flying a kite at Craters of the Moon
Then to Arco. We played minigolf and ate at Grandpa's BBQ. Not as
as San Francisco's Brother's in Law, but ok nevertheless.
Mark's note: Unfortunately, we didn't visit the first nuclear reactor after we left Arco... If you want to learn more about it, you can ask my friend Chris who gives tours there sometimes.
70 miles of desert nothing to Idaho Falls. Almost became like Clint
Eastwood in the beginning to the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly when our
water ran out at mile 40 or so. A minivan family blessed us with four
bottles in the nick of time.
Warning outside of Idaho Falls?
Take that you vultures! You won't be eating my eyeballs today! In
Falls we met Dean Miller, a fellow Cornellian. He fed us yummy pesto and
let us stay in his basement. His dog Solo was very friendly too. Thanks
Dean! Dean told us of his mountain bike friend who on races drinks cheap
salad dressing because they provide high calories with just enough
hydration, and eats Little Debbie Cakes because they have the most calories
per cent. That too is Manly - read: hella stupid. We also met Johan, the
biker with no money.
Palisades Dam, bad photo vs. good photo
Camped at Alpine, just before the Idaho Wyoming border. The very last
in Idaho was actually pleasant biking. The proximity to the Snake River
let us cool off anytime and the surrounding mountains were gorgeous.
Lots of mosquitos though. Lots of mosquitos. Did I say lots of mosquitos
yet? Well there are lots. of mosquitos that is.
into Jackson
now we are in Jackson. so it goes.
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