Our log is neither daily, weekly, nor monthly by design. It is a every-time-we-jack-in-and-actually-have-something-new-written log.
June 9-14, 2000
It's been almost a week since my last update! Max's update dated the
11th was written then, but actually posted just five minutes ago. It is
about 11 PM in Nampa, near Boise.
Now a little side note: Max has been referring to me as Bo. I guess
since he's doing that, I might as well start referring to him as Dee.
Ask your Mandarin speaking friends why.
As you can read in my brother's latest, we ended up staying an extra
day in Prineville. They have the best freakin library I've ever been in
except for the number of books. Not many books, but dang that is a nice
library! Dee told me that they should have made a deal with San
Francisco, who recently threw away tons of books because their new library
was too small to hold them all... Yikes.
Whole in the Wall, Mitchell
After Prineville, we biked to Mitchell. Mitchell is a really small,
one street town with two stores, a couple of motels, a nice city park, and
a gas station right next to it. I have no clue why the town exists. As
far as I could tell, that was all that was in the town, as if their whole
purpose of being is for bikers to buy stuff from their stores and camp out
in their city park or stay at their motels. If you were in a car, you'd
just keep driving until you got to a more respectable place to stay. Oh,
wait, I forgot. There's two purposes for the town. The second one is for
semi trucks to come by and sit idle at the gas station for about 3 hours
stinking up the whole town and especially stinking up the nice city
While dining on some fine ramen in the stinky city park, we met two
more bikers (in addition to John who was staying at a motel and Sean and
Virginia (the superheroes) who were also camping in the smelly city park)
who were traveling the opposite way. They started out in Missoula and
were just going west, probably going to go up thru Portland to Seattle and
then down the coast until the summer is over.
some Oregon scenery
The next day we left pretty early to tackle a really steep climb out of
Mitchell which we thought we might have to walk at one point, but it
turned out to be easier than we thought it would be and as a result we
made some awesome time after the climb. We biked to John Day Fossil Beds
National Monument, stayed for lunch (mmm.. peanut butter and honey and
banana sandwiches), biked through Dayville, and made it to Mt. Vernon.
Interestingly, Mt. Vernon is named after a horse or something like that.
Get it? Mount Vernon? :) We weren't able to update the webpage since
our motel room didn't have a phone! Apparently this is not uncommon with
small town motels, as it happened three times in a row... The scenery was
real nice. I've come to really appreciate Oregon scenery. I remember I
kept thinking everything was soo green and red, but then I also remember
that I kept forgetting I was wearing high contrast lenses.
Kam Wah Chung and Co. Museum
On Sunday, the 11th, we left Mt. Vernon and got to John Day. I was
hoping that I could replace my cassette there, but the bike shop closed a
while back... There was supposed to be this cool old Chinese shop museum
type of thing in John Day called the Kam Wah Chung and Co. Museum, but it
wouldn't open for another two hours so we went to the library. The
library was also closed. So we stopped at a cafe and hung out there for
two hours reading our books. Dee bought two books from the library in
Prineville (yes they sold books too), and I got his hand-me-downs, The
Never Ending Story. In the cafe we met an older couple who were also
biking. They were on a tandem (two person bike). Pretty cool. The museum
turned out to be pretty cool. Dee will write more about it. No photos
allowed, but I took a couple before reading the sign...
After checking out the museum, we decided to keep biking to Prairie
City. We stayed in a swank motel two miles east of town. No phone, but
they had everything else: VCR, something like 5 comfy chairs, a kitchen,
room decorations, cabinets, bookshelves, a few books, lots of American
Rifleman and People magazines, and a little store run by the proprietors
of the motel that featured bootleg videos to rent (including Spanish or
Mexican porn) and lots of various Mexican canned foods. Apparently, the
motel (Sag's Motel - run by Mr. Sagmeister) is usually home to a lot of
migrant workers who stay for an extended period.
Keyes Creek summit and Blue Mountain Pass - I don't
remember when we passed each one, but here are the photos anyway
On Monday, the 12th (Robin's birthday), it was raining pretty bad, but
we decided that we had to keep going. We had two hills to climb before
reaching the town of Unity on Hwy 26. Soaking wet. Really tired. Out
like a light at 5, but Dee wanted to fly his kite again since it was
really, really windy. When we flew the kite, the local chicks digged us a
lot, but never did anything other than cruise their one street making
catcalls. Who knew cruising existed in a town with like 100 people?
Unity, we'll miss you...
The scenery drastically changed in the last two days. It went from
forest to shrubs. Still nice, but different. Drier I guess...
Yesterday, it was very warm outside. We made some awesome time doing like
73 miles, and it was mostly a gradual downhill all the way to Vale, but
man was it warm. Surprisingly warm. I am burnt crispier than KFC. I'd
take a photo and show you all, but I'm embarrassed by my pudgyness compared
to Dee's six-pack.
flat tire and lunch
Yesterday I called Vale, "The City of Gravel." There are soo many
traps waiting for unsuspecting bikers like us. Today I dubbed Vale a new
name, "The City of Flat-tires." I fixed my rear tire in the morning and
biked three blocks to discover it had gone flat again from a different
puncture. What a pain. We ate at a Diary Queen, our first fast-food
since day 1 in Newberg. My first Diary Queen ever. It was weird
because they came and took your order after you sat down and brought
you the ticket after you had gotten your food, like a regular
restaurant... Should we have left a tip?
As a consequence to my sun-burns and general soreness, today I was in
pain most of the day. Ibuprofin, my angel in heaven... Today we crossed
the Oregon/Idaho border. This trip will be a lot of fast-food firsts I
guess, since today we had lunch at an A and W, famous for their rootbeer
floats. It was pretty good. We're now staying with the parents of
one of Dee's former co-workers. They are really nice and hospitable.
Tomorrow we make it to Boise, which is only like 20 miles away, but we
also need to stop at bike stores.
I already miss Oregon...
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