Our log is neither daily, weekly, nor monthly by design. It is a every-time-we-jack-in-and-actually-have-something-new-written log.
June 11, 2000
After Eugene we went up Santiam Pass. It took us about three days to
get over it. Near the top there is a place called Clear Lake. It was a
really popular fishing spot but I wouldn't want to swim there since the
neighboring campsites were called Ice Cap and Cool Water. Bo thought
there would be a gas station at the junction near the top, but instead we
were stuck splitting a can of Chef Boy R Dee Ravioli for dinner. Oh
Don't remember when this was, but this photo was too funny to pass up.
The past few days have been hilly. The long stretches of downhill
where Bo almost dies from instability I have found totally awesome.
There's nothing quite like going 40 mph for miles on a recumbent.
We've met a group of superheroes who have their own webpage.
The two, Dragonfly and Silversteak, are hauling a 50 lbs. dog in a
Burley trailer. That better be one grateful pooch. We also have been
hanging out with a retired high school teacher named John on a Trek
recumbent. He's kicking our young punk butts too. Then again he's
carrying a lot less gear. yeah, that's the ticket.
I can only guess that Paul Husby and Amy Shen are a day behind us.
We ended up spending an extra day in Prineville. We became honorary
natives actually - I mean we went to all three of the restaurants and two
motels. The public library is amazingly nice - funded by the Oregon
Lottery. The day we were going to originally leave the town, we got off
to a late start and checked out at 11. (I blame Clerks, South Park, the
Simpsons, and Crocadile Hunter.) By the time we got everything ready it
was already 12:30 and it started to rain. Well that did it. Laziness
prevailed and we spent the rest of the day in the library. I finished the
Neverending Story. (it just kept going and going and...)
I got to fly my kite in Prineville too. Two signs that caught my eye:
"What are you hung for?" in the grocery store and "no household waste or
offensive material" on the public trashcans. The word hungry was partly
covered. We also passed lots of llamas. And Operation Santa Claus, a
reindeer camp, and Tom Jones Used Car Lot, how the mighty have fallen.
Many field mice along the road for a while, followed by many small sparrow
Sheep Rock, John Day Fossil Beds
National Monument
John Day Fossil Beds
National Monument
For a fur trader who got lost and was robbed nekkid by American
Indians, John Day sure has a lot of stuff named after him. Fossil Beds, a
city, a river, a golf course, etc... If only fame could be had as easily
these days. Why, my brother would be world famous for his acts of
We've gone about 400 miles so far. It hasn't been easy and I don't
agree with my brother that the hardest is over. I actually found some
hummus out here so I'm a happy camper.
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