Our log is neither daily, weekly, nor monthly by design. It is a every-time-we-jack-in-and-actually-have-something-new-written log.
June 5-8, 2000
I guess anywhere you go you will always encounter a homeless guy. Max
and I stayed at Blue River, just west of McKenzie Bridge on June 5. After
McKenzie Bridge we (I think) did the toughest climb of our entire trip. We
stopped at a little market in Blue River before going on to Delta USFS
campground to get our dinner (pasta) and right outside there was this
homeless hitchhiker guy who was eyeing our bikes while we shopped. When we
got out of the store he hit us up for some change.
in front of Paul's house
For the past couple of days we'd been staying with a total luddite (his
own description) who apparently is pretty well known in Eugene. He's Paul
Nicholson, founder of Paul's Bicycle Way of Life, former member of the
local government, former professor, total bike afficcionado. On Sunday he
gave us a tour of the Solar System. If you have no idea what I'm talking
about then you should bike around the waterfront park in Eugene. Even if
Paul claims it's getting screwed up by the local government, Eugene still
seems like a cool place to live. I have a sticker on my rear fender that
advertizes Portland as the best bicycle city in the US, but Eugene beats
it easily. I'd say Corvallis is better than Portland, too. Our gratitude
to Paul, his wife, and his daughter for letting us crash at their place
and treating us so well!
When we stopped at a cafe in Vida, we met a fellow cross-country
bicyclist who is traveling with a woman and her dog (being pulled in a
Burley trailer). She was making a phone call across the street so we
didn't get to meet her. They are part of a larger group who are stopping
at local non-profits and working for a day or so at each one. We invited
them to share a campground with us at Blue River and they agreed but never
called us on our cell. We were probably unreachable. The next morning we
met yet another biker and found out that he stayed with them at an RV
Blue River, Delta USFS Campground
June 6 was our big hill day. We went from McKenzie Bridge to just west
of the Santiam Pass stopping for lunch at Clear Lake. There was a school
group at Clear Lake and there was this little fat kid making fun of our
bikes and trailers. There's another thing to add to my ubiquitous list.
The whole day was straight up hill. We couldn't make it over the top
because our legs were jellifled after our lunch. Also we felt a slight
drizzle and were afraid it would rain harder, and we didn't want to ride
down the pass while wet. Dangerous, you know? But we weren't near a
campground so we decided to just pull off to the side of the road and camp
Illegal camping |
It was only around 4 or 5. I think I slept for 11 hours that night. The
next morning we left at 7 and got to Sisters for breakfast. On the way
down I almost died. I was going about 34 mph when I saw in my mirror a
whole line of cars coming led by two semis. I just grit my teeth and
braced myself since I knew the wind from the first truck would push me
then pull me. I had no idea it would be as bad as it was though! Right as
the first passed me I started to wobble back and forth uncontrollably, the
weight of the trailer exacerbating my situation. I applied the brakes but
immediately decided that it would worsen the wobbling. All the while I
keep overcompensating with my arms, first going one way then going the
next way. Back and forth, thinking 'Oh crap. Today I die.' Finally, I
relaxed a little and miraculously straightened out. This is when I
realized that the second semi was braking quite hard and that I had
drifted to the middle of the lane. Needless to say, I think that from now
on, I'll slow down a little if I see a semi coming down on me and I'm
going over 30.
Santiam Pass |
On the 7th we reached Prineville and became lazy bastards. We just
vegged out in front of the TV and read a little; talked about our
motivation a bit. I looked at maps for a while and Max told me to stop
since it was pointless to look so far in advance, so then we talked about
the trip and how hilly it was and how I wanted to be sure it wouldn't be
so bad anymore. Today, the 8th, we were ready to go at noon. I put on a
new chain I got in Eugene. It skips when on the two smallest cogs on my
cassette. I took a look and it seems I need to replace those two, since a
few of the teeth are worn. I guess I just won't use those gears until
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