Our log is neither daily, weekly, nor monthly by design. It is a every-time-we-jack-in-and-actually-have-something-new-written log.
May 28-31, 2000

Max's log - To actually pinpoint a specific event or date when my expedition began is quite difficult. I moved out of my SF apartment May 1st, I quit work May 5th, I went soapbox derby racing, and my heart had a short roller coaster ride the whole time. I actually left the Bay Area via a Green Tortoise bus ride on May 15th to Portland, Oregon. It definately was an experience to share a sleeper bus with 38 other people and three large dogs. The Cow Creek campground was replete with a geodesic dome, a warm fire, yummy breakfast, a sauna, a freezing cold river, and unfortunately, enough poison oak to make me look like Phantom of the Opera for one week. I'll probably still go back.
In the meantime I've been wandering Portland, working on this webpage, and reading. Mission Impossible 2 is the epitome of John Woo. Fun Fun. The 27-29th were the HPV and electric vehicle races here in Portland. There were a handfull of recumbent afficionados plus electric go carts that enlightened these jaded engineering eyes to new uses for duct tape.
We leave tomorrow. I don't think the weather will favor us though.
BBQ party; Mark's co-workers; work that grill, Carolee! |
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