**Make Text-Based Games with TWINE!**
[[What is Twine?]]
[[Game Jam]]
*Mark Chen and Kelly Tran | @mcdanger | markdangerchen@gmail.com*
<a href="http://twinery.org/" target="_blank">Twinery.org</a>
A text-based game creation tool. Think Choose Your Own Adventure books from the 80s, except in digital form on the web.
<img src="https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/f0/Cave_of_time.jpg">
Outputs HTML files that can then be edited and customized with stylesheets and javascript.
History of use from marginalized communities (e.g., LGBT game designers and novice game designers) to share their personal stories.
<a href="http://markdangerchen.net/agency-and-empathy/" target=_blank">(Games are about agency and empathy.)</a>
Kelly's info on <a href="https://kellymtran.com/workshop/" target=_blank">linking between passages, inserting images, and using conditional if-then statements</a>.
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Here's some <a href="https://kellymtran.com/ideas/" target=_blank">story ideas and info on where to share your stories</a>
Here's a good way to think about the structure of interactive fiction (or actually any game): <a href="https://heterogenoustasks.wordpress.com/2015/01/26/standard-patterns-in-choice-based-games/" target=_blank">Standard Patterns in Story-Based Games</a>
The wiki has a ton of other useful documentation, including a quick-start guide: <a href="http://twinery.org/wiki/twine2:guide" target="_blank">Twine Wiki</a>
Note: The two links above aren't done the same way as regular links since they go to outside URLs. We used regular HTML tags for them like this:
`<a href="http://twinery.org/wiki/twine2:guide" target="_blank">Twine Wiki</a>`
Twine also has built-in help when you delete all the text from an entry:
<img src="http://markdangerchen.net/media/blog/2016/10/twinebuiltinhelp.png">
1. Learn about Twine really quickly (done)
2. Get into groups (new or same)
3. Work on a prompt (that Mark will give you) for 30 min
4. Share games with each other for last 10 min of session.