
Your benevolent host, JohnnySnake, has decided to post a full list of users and usernames, for those among us who can only see the shadow on the wall (or who don’t know you are supposed to bring food to your orals…duh!). As more users come on line, they will be added.

Secret fact: Sixteen marmots found in sock drawer.

John Chopper AKA Chris Melhus

Secret fact: High-level corporate operative for Dr. Skipper Corp.

Johnny Danger AKA Mark Chen

Secret Fact: Arrested for stalking Al Roker.

B Diddy AKA Brandon Parker

Secret fact: Bathes in rice vinegar.

Johnny Reb AKA Robin Varni

Secret fact: Majority shareholder in

Johnny Woohaa AKA George Wu

Secret fact: Ate 18 Moon Pies in one sitting.

Johnny Srilanka AKA Isuru Senagama

AND, yours truly,

Secret fact: Not… wearing… underwear…

Johnny Snake AKA Ben Schrag

Actually this post has some kind of hidden purpose…that is to maybe try to get some real pictures and brief introductions for each of us on here somewhere, just in case people don’t know friends of friends. Mark you said that’s possible to do right? If we need to do something, let me know. I would love to help any way I can with my meager HTML skills.

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